
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Plans for 2008


For my 1,778th post on this ol' Nanolog... I thought I'd look to the future and let you in on some plans I have for 2008. I don't set resolutions as I don't subscribe to the all or nothing nature of them > once broken... that's that etc.

I try to plan for the incoming year with some goals / objectives / [insert preferred term here] fully aware that I will achieve them only if God wills > conscious that life is what happens when we are busy making plans.
  1. Prioritise time with Olly >> Marriages / Friendships / Partnerships need work.
  2. Share more with Dayna & Miriam >> read / play games on the DS / walk with them etc... you know, what a dad should do!
  3. Read widely and read regularly >> I only read 10 books in 2007... this must improve.
  4. Exercise body, mind and spirit >> I need to improve in all 3 areas. Grow. Develop. Build stamina.
  5. Develop some existing projects
    • ((deep)) >> take ((deep)) mainstream... build on the momentum we have.
    • S*N*A*C >> focus on quantity and further participation.
    • gatherings >> because they are fun.
    • Nanolog >> think about ways to make the ol' nanolog a quality experience.
    • Podcast >> Bring the B'hill SA podcast back online.
  6. Start some new projects
    • Bookclub >> maybe something with the gatherings... learn/discuss/debate together. I need this.
    • Photography >> I need a hobby... and it makes sense to develop my photography.
  7. Develop as a Business Analyst >> I have a confirmed role in my work... its now time to bring this role into the whole of me.
  8. Further appreciate what I have
  9. Look for better not more
  10. Continue to make connections... physical and virtual
I will need your support to keep me accountable for these plans... feel free to ask me at any given opportunity. I will be printing them out and adding them to my new moleskine 2008 planner (thanks Mum & Dad Taylor!!!) as a regular reminder.

Here's to fresh starts.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 pm

    Hey guy. Happy New Year!

    And to the whole 'Nanoclan' may God enrich 2008 for you and your families.

    Ref item 6 (Bookclub) and item 3 (reading more books) why not create an online Nanolog Bookclub where some of us who aren't reading enough either can join/help you in your quest? We could agree a book and timescale (one a month?) and then share learnings via the Nanolog.

    Just a thought!

    Much love to the family.
