
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Geography Teacher is the new Black...

I am not ashamed to say that I dig my new pair of shoes from Clarks. They are so anti-fashion and pragmatic for Scottish spring/autumn/winter (ie the 50 week wet season) and, as such, are/were a must-buy for me... especially after my second hand (foot) Timberlands died... and my suede Hush Puppies are leathal in wet weather (aka those 50 weeks again).

I do, however, see a couple of trends here...
  1. If you buy Clarks Originals (Wallabees, Desert Treks, Desert Boots etc) you are more likely to get seduced by their "old man" selection of shoes... than their trendy new styles.
  2. "Old man style" - Clarks, cardigans, flat caps, Tweed jackets etc - has an anti-fashion spirit about it that is akin with the rise in popularity of outdoor gear - Goretex jackets, Merrell shoes, Nike ACG, fleeces etc - and "workwear" - Carhartt, Dickies, Timberlands etc. Its about comfort, functionality, practicality, value, timelessness and cocking-a-snoot to the abstract transience of "trendy".
At the end of the day... anti-fashion is about wearing what you want and thinking for your self. So don't listen to me... but seek out your own style... and cock-a-snoot at "trendy" unless, of course, you see "trendy" as being non-conformist and alternative in a sea of anti-fashion.

Oh and "trendy" is such a relative abstract... what is "trendy" anyway?


They are for work... not play.

Picture posted with LifeCast... random inane drivel added later.