
Sunday, November 09, 2014

What I've been reading in the last week ... 09/11/14

I wanted to share some of the articles I've been reading over the last week or so ... give you something to read on a lazy Sunday afternoon ... nothing too heavy or political, just meaningful articles that I found inspiring in some way.

"It doesn’t take a marketing genius to see where Starbucks went wrong with its foray into the Australian market. Rather than building an organic demand for their coffee-flavoured syrup slushies, the chain bombarded potential customers with multiple store openings over the space of a few months. The premium prices and questionable customer service didn’t help much either."
This Is Why Australians Hate Starbucks


25 hidden features from iOS 8, Apple’s new operating system

"It is my experience that the more positive habits you have in your life, the more emotional happiness you will experience. Instead of telling you things you should do to increase your emotional satisfaction, I’ve created a list of bad habits you should try to correct."
22 Habits of Unhappy People


Ten tips for a better work-life balance


Ten easy steps to happier living

"Part exercise craze and part mass party, breakfast raving – of which Morning Gloryville is said to be the original – is the new way to start the day, especially for people in their thirties and forties who were part of the original rave generation of the 1990s. The monthly event, which began in London last year, is spreading like wildfire. It is now in 14 cities across the world, from Sydney to San Francisco and Brighton to Bangalore. A monthly Liverpool rave begins on Wednesday."

Wake up to breakfast raves – they’re a healthy way to start your working day

"In short, people with A.D.H.D. may not have a disease, so much as a set of behavioral traits that don’t match the expectations of our contemporary culture."
A Natural Fix for A.D.H.D.

"an insidious perversion called normality is on the rise, and the normality perverts are coming for all of us. They want us to look the same, dress the same, and stare into the camera with our hollow, smiling eyes."
The normality perverts are coming for us all


10 Great Coffee Shops for Design Fans

"But as I talked to podcasters, they told me that the biggest reason for the podcast renaissance has nothing to do with the podcasts themselves, or the advertisers funding them."
What’s Behind the Great Podcast Renaissance?


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