I’ll openly admit to being a fan of Zenjungle’s music: I love the way he creates beautiful ambient soundscapes and then layers his trademark saxophone into the mix to create something truly next-level. His music gets me each and every time ... specifically his saxophone. No other instrument can convey such such emotion and express such feeling, except perhaps for the electric guitar, as the saxophone. It does, however, get dismissed too easily as the instrument of “love” when it can be used for so much more. Zenjungle understands this and uses his chosen instrument in wholly new ways, creating ambience and furthering his ambient expression.
For “A Changing Light”, Zenjungle has collaborated with Valiska to create some truly extraordinary soundscapes and chosen to explore the more experiment side of his expression. Yes, the saxophone is present but it is more understated, not really arriving properly until the third track - “Nightwinds”. However, when it does arrive it is more than welcome.
Prior to “Nightwinds” we have two gloriously layered ambient tracks - “Derive” and “Seawards” - that are filled with heartfelt expression. These tracks, filled with their sweeping sonics and glitchy sounds, are delightfully engaging: they are tracks in which I found it easy to get lost in.
These tracks build nicely towards the third track - ”Nightwinds” - which is the highlight for me, mainly because of Zenjungle’s saxophone and the accompanying piano. I cannot adequately express my delight when I heard this piece: it is sheer unadulterated bliss! It is more “neo-classical” than the sounds that prepare the way for it and this makes it all the more delicious. It seems both slightly incongruous and perfectly “right” within the sequencing of the EP: as the track progresses it becomes more in keeping with the earlier tracks before passing the baton to the final track, a delightful ambient excursion that completes the EP.
“Passage” is the longest track on the EP and is a slow burning affair that really does provide closure and resolution with some exemplary ambient guitar taking prominence. The way it builds is an utter delight, giving way to an almost shoegazy sonic environment where waves of sound overwhelm the listener.
And then, 26 minutes after pressing play, the listener is left with a deafening silence and the only real choice available to them: to press play and listen again.
I really enjoyed “A Changing Light” by Valiska and Zenjungle, and look forward to more from them both, collectively and individually, in the future.
Have a listen below and if you like what you hear, please do what you can to support these talented musicians.