Olly and I are off tomorrow to the East & West of Scotland Salvation Army's annual Summer School in Dunblane. We've been asked to help out as Welfare Officers for the week. We will also be teaching multimedia and web2.0 skills to the kids... and no doubt learning from them too.
I doubt we'll get any web access... which is a pain for the whole web2.0 thing... but if I do I'll post on the key happenings. Our intention is to launch a blog from Chris' Council of War site with youtube videos and podcasts of the thoughts
[Thanks Chris for all you've done to make this happen! Oh and congrats on the birth of your daughter Amy Leanne... G'on yersel Dawn!!!]
I will be regularly twittering if you are interested. Check out my twitter on Facebook (if you are a friend) or on twitter itself...
Before I go... Adele tagged me...
Here are 8 habits I have...
1) I take too long on the loo - Sometimes I read and sometimes I even take the iBook on the loo with me (thank goodness for wifi)
2) I don't pray or exercise enough
3) I don't do enough housework... certainly not my share!
4) I own too many pairs of trainers (sneakers) - 45 pairs and counting [I feel guilty about this]
5) I love music and will go without lunch to buy tunes - I can spend hours digging in the crates if there is a sale on (RIP Fopp!!!)
6) I love charity shops and can't walk passed one without checking it out
7) I fall asleep at inappropriate times and then stay up until 0200hrs or so
8) I love my wife and we'ans... and always tell them
Rather than tag folk... I'll leave it open to my community to tag themselves. Let's share.
Love you all... Speak to you in a week or so [maybe sooner]