Two little birdies came to the birdfeeder next to my window on Sunday afternoon. The pics are grainy because I shot at 800 ISO (flash would scare them off and it was getting dark out) but otherwise pretty pleased with them.
They got me thinking about the reason why I take photographs. I want to record my surroundings... to document the everyday and the special in my life. As a result, I'm not after the best shot or seeking perfection... but I'm all about the moment.
If I get the best shot or that elusive perfect shot when documenting the moment then that's great... but the moment is what I am after.
I believe excellence is habitual... that if we do something enough we become (or have the potential to become) excellent at it. As such, I see my obsession with the moment having an additional benefit... as I seek out life, I will get better as a photographer. Think about it. The more moments I capture, if I have the humility to learn, the better I will get.
Every photographer I know has a different reasoning for what they do. I'm not saying my rationale is the right rationale... its just right for me... but I do believe each one of us should ask ourselves why we do what we do.
It's one of the key reasons I emjoy taking photos too...
I think the photos bring us close enough to admire these lovely little birds and their struggle for survival. The second one is interesting because it is not "perfect." Why are the feathers so disturbed? I don't recall much wind recently and it is intriguing to think why they are in such a situation.
Thanks James... would be interested in your other rationale.
Thanks Dad... I thought the scruffy tit was a curious anomaly because, as you point out, it wasn't windy at the time I took the pic. Strange. Hmm.
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