Yesterday... after a very depressing start... we joined my sister and Godson in visiting the Kelvingrove Museum (after a wee trip to the Salvation Army charityshop on Dumbarton Road).
To me... Kelvingrove is one of the finest museums in the world. It has an eclectic nature that makes wandering around a sheer pleasure... moving between stuffed aninmals to dinosaur remains to Egyptian artefacts to one of the most wonderful Religious paintings in the world...
Salvador Dali's Christ of St John of the Cross:

The pic was taken with my iPhone because I only had my 50mm prime lens with me. I have to say the alcove in which the painting resides is now befitting of the painting. Before it was on the top of a stairwell and was lit in the more terrible of light... now the lighting has been greatly improved and there is a wee video and some posters to put the picture in context and provide a background to its history.
I would recommend visiting the Museum just to see this painting... albeit you wont be disappointed with the rest of the space.

Afterwards, we headed to Beanscene for a London Fog and a blether... good times, regardless of the weather.
Well recommended!

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