I am about to embark on my Lenten journey for 2011.
Tomorrow marks day 1 of my fast... although I'm not sure "fast" is the correct term to use... because I intend to use the time given within the Lenten period to appreciate what I have.
In other words... for the next six weeks or so I am giving up the consumption of new things.
I have too many books that sit unread.
I have too many albums that sit unheard.
I have too many apps that sit unopened.
I need to appreciate the home that I have.
I need to appreciate all the tools I have.
I need to appreciate more the clothes that I have.
This is why I am struggling with the term "fast" because... if I am honest... I will no go without. I have more than enough already.
This is more a period of focus... of scrutiny... of observation and assessment.
Its about me taking time to say thanks.
Its about me taking time to appreciate what I have been given.
Its about me taking time to count my blessings... as the song goes.
In addition to the "what" I intend to contemplate the "who"... and give thanks for everyone in my life... because I believe it is not possessions that make a person rich but his relationships and the experience that comes from these interactions.
Most of all... I want to explore my faith and to use the time for contemplation on the sacrifice that was made... to buy my freedom.
This is all about stewardship... all about what I do with the freedom I have been given... and it is ultimately and most importantly... about God from whom I believe I have been blessed... abundantly blessed.
This is excellent, Thomas. Well thought out and so necessary. I have copied your comment and will join you on your journey.
I had a similar conversation (only not as eloquent) with a colleague today: for me is not so much about giving up something, rather taking up and trying to fully appreciate the things I do have.
Thanks Dad... Thanks Tobit.
Let's all give up on giving up... and take more time to appreciate.
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