This afternoon, whilst visiting Peebles in the Scottish Borders, my wife purchased me what could easily be described as the ultimate edition of "The Hobbit" ... a 700 x 1000mm 'Spineless Classic' version.

I'll be honest ... I nearly wet myself in excitement when I saw it. It is stunning and well worth the cost and the hassle getting it home.

Spineless Classics present an amazing product for literary nerds like me ... they print whole books onto single sheets of paper and have some fantastic books on offer ... books like "The Hobbit" as well as "Romeo and Juliet", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", and "Moby Dick" (which needs two 700 x 1000mm sheets of paper).

To say I am delighted is an understatement ... I am over-the-moon!!!

I hope my photos can, in some small way, convey how awesome this poster is. It's made my day and now sits - pride of place - in our hallway.
Thank you Olly ... it means more to me than you'll ever know.
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