I've started something new... and I am looking for folk to participate.
a hint of bergamot is a photoblog where I will post one pic per day... well that's the intention anyway... and I am looking for folk who would be willing to post their pics (one per day).
I'm not looking for amazing pieces of art [although that's kind of "in the eye of the beholder" and subjective anyway]... I want the blog to be a visually inspiring space... where we share our insights into the specialness of the ordinary. So if your photo is from your phone (even iPhone pics are allowed) or from your fancypants dSLR... it doesn't matter... its about the moment.
If you are interested, please leave a comment.
Count me in. If you really want to get an artist here, try @thomasjust on twitter. He's got an amazing talent for beauty in the ordinary, and you can see his works on facebook too. Let him know you are a personal friend of mine. Just so he has a connection to you up front. God bless you! Oh, and how do I post my photos?
I think this is an interesting and helpful idea. I would like to share photos although I am not sure I could manage it every day. I would like to share photos and would do so within a weekly time frame. It would be useful to say why we like a photo/ something that makes it an item to share.
A follow up thought from my previous one. I still stand by that comment but thought on to an area I had previously talked to you about.
The Book Club was also an excellent idea but was seriously affected by people being so busy.
I have a need to know about books/photos/music (I am conscious your main Blog is excellent in this respect)/links to sites/news/comments/jokes/ sermon ideas/ thoughts from the Bible, etc from a Christian point of view. I would like a mechanism for sharing such material.
Is there a mechanism that would allow people to access and contribute to one common point to do a Book (music and other product) Review/ share information/ debate and in the widest sense share all that is good, enjoyable and edifying? Perhaps a development of your Book Club?
I do not wish to dilute from excellent blogs and other sources but encourage sharing for the widest benefit. Even a handful of active participants could make the world of a differnce.
FAB Idea!!
Count me in - can't promise quality of pics (or that I'll remember every day) - but I'll try
May be able to contribute some pics though not sure I could manage one a day. Could always look through my archives for any interesting things I have taken in the past.
What is the process for getting something posted?
Count me in please, a great idea!
Hey Mate. I would love to contribute!
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