A modified MA-1 flight jacket built by Alpha and designed exclusively by Stussy is launched this weekend.Personally, I love the Rockstar X Alpha MA1 jacket that the Soos sourced me (wearing it today...) and I am glad Stussy are giving the MA1 some love because its a great style, even though some people can't get "bovver boys" out their minds. Its time we took this jacket back from the Nazis and owned it as a classic. Kudos to both Stussy & Rockstar for having the foresight to do this.
Alpha industries supply the US armed forces with the MA-1 and other authentic outerwear. The Stussy modified style evokes the spirit of a customised military jacket, a look familiar to us all that features badges and patches of various logos, bands and political slogans.
To celebrate this look and style the Stussy MA-1 features badge contributions by friends and family.
Badge contributors include...
* James Lebon-BUFFALO 'Force Tranquille',
* Hiroshi Fujiwara-FRAGMENT 'Fragment Logo',
* James Reid-'No War No Glory' 'Peace is Tough',
* Jules Gayton- LEILOW 'Hep Cat',
* Luca Benini- SLAM JAM 'Fedeli All Linea',
* STUSSY HQ- 'Surferman',
* STUSSY SF- 'Kaya',
* STUSSY UK- 'Stop Killing Me' 'No Nazi's',
* SUPREME- 'Suicidal',
Anyway, if the jacket floats your boat - check out Hanon-Shop(dot)com on Saturday (28th Jan). Be sharp!
More info from Being Hunted
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