The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is ChristianityErwin McManus :: The Barbarian Way
I used it when I was speaking about faith with the Soos. It is just such a powerful and meaningful quote. It speaks of all that's wrong with corporate, right-wing, Western Christianity today. Its as if the Church has become the Pharisees that opposed Jesus all those years ago.
I have a lot of time for Erwin McManus and plan to read the Barbarian Way as soon as I get through some of the other books I have in my pile. I would heartly recommend the Mosaic Podcast to anyone who believes Erwin's quote above. He really has a grasp of what this person who was God called Jesus was all about.
Check it out...
Mosaic :: Link
Erwin McManus :: Link
"The greatesr enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity" Couldn't agree more. i've been saying this for a long time. Adele
Hi Thomass! I fancy a starbuck coffee to so how's about it bro; bye the way are you still into hats these days. whats your latest style? is it still afghan or ? see you sometime ciao!
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