We have a new formula to follow - run both courses concurrently... which I am delighted about. People want to be with people... share their stories... be in fellowship... and running to the two courses together has really worked and enabled everyone to connect.
Next on the list is kickstarting the home groups again... they kind of got left while we've been focusing on this. Most, but importantly not all, of the folk who attend the home groups joined us for a life worth living and its time to give back to those who weren't able to join us. Looking for ideas for a 12 week course, starting in Jan 07. Thinking John Ortberg... any ideas? Hoping to be fed for a wee while... Olly and I need to sit back for a while and rest... and am looking to encourage new blood into facilitation.
Anyway... thanks again to everyone involved and to all the folk who have joined us for one week or for them all who maybe hadn't done this God thing before... hope it has been of benefit... and I hope you continue to journey with us at Bellshill.
Here's to the future. This is only the end of the start.
Just like to say a huge thank you to you and Olwyn for all your hard work and overall guidance role in Alpha/ALife.
Your input and inspiration are truly appreciated by all who were touched by the sessions.
God clearly is speaking through yourself and Olwyn and this has affected each and every one of the groups. Kenny and Sarah did a wonderful job in hosting Alife and they have been encouraged to lead from the front with no safety net; so to speak, without your gentle prodding I believe they would not be in the place they are now, two of Gods followers who can lead and inspire others.
I always said that if we only touch one heart then the whole experience would be a truly worthwile experience, I feel many hearts have been touched by these last sessions. Your modern approach, although not always acceptable to all, appears to have hit the mark on this occasion, lots of people left Alpha/Alife last night feeling quite sad that it was all over, but they felt encouraged by the thought of something else along the same lines in the not to distant future, so you must have got it right this time.
God bless.
Thank you Bobby... your support and rhythm guitar is greatly appreciated... as is speaking up to Jim and bringing him along. We are all in this together!
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