We are all on a journey... and, to be honest, the journey is as important as the destination. For some, the journey is the destination.
((the ooze)) provides some conversation for the journey with their discussions on community, culture, faith, and ministry. Its a tremendous resource for everyone, whether you have been journeying for a while or haven't even laced up your walking boots.
An article that caught my attention is ((why you should plant a church)) by Bob Hyatt. In it he looks at what holds people back from planting... He mentions faith, finances and failure ::
Failure? In a conversation with a good friend on the day we decided to plant this church, he asked me a great question: How will you define failure? I realized through our talk that failure wasn’t if we did this and had to close the doors in a year because not many people showed up and we couldn’t pay the bills. Failure would be if we failed to love the people God did bring us, if we failed to love each other in community, if we failed to feed, clothe and otherwise care for anyone. That would be failure… not if we simply failed to achieve any type of long term momentum and institutional stability.Really speaks to me. He sums it up with this ::
The question isn’t “Why should I plant a church”… it’s why shouldn’t you! Here’s what I know: God loves it when His people take a step of faith. He will go ahead of you, with you, and behind you in this adventure. If you love those He brings you, you will be a success whether it lasts for a year, two years, or the rest of your life.Wow! Makes sense.
Check out the ooze and delve deep.
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