"...the act of carrying; carriage."Porterage on the other hand means...
"...The carrying of burdens or goods as done by porters."I guess I have been using the wrong word for my obsession with bags... and things to put things in. I should have been using portage instead of porterage... for the things I use when I am carrying something. We live and learn.

I was really grateful when Janey sourced one for me when she was in NY a wee while ago. You can't get J-bags in Glasgow... although some trendy shops do sell some MP at inflated prices. Thanks pal!
Anyway... if you are looking for some sweet portage... check them out!
Technorati Tags: portage
Yeah I remember looking for that bag..... think I was in every street except the correct one then when i did find it it was only open certain days argh....
Anything for a friend tho!!!
My sister in law & family live in Portage, MI, USA! ;-)
Janey :: It was appreciated
Matthew :: Blog battles are fun!
John :: Cool
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