I am not anti-American but I see this as commoditising the Bible... making it fit to a country...and a nationalistic patriotic ideal. The Bible is for everyone... or it was the last time I checked John 3:16
Jesus is beyond boundaries. How does this look to places where the Bible isn't accepted..? where it isn't free to worship who/how you want..?
I am sorry if I offend you but this is just so wrong... and it makes me feel sad.
However, I have to say these parodies by Michael Kruse are very funny :: ((link)) :: and on point.
Technorati Tags: bible
Thanks for the link!
What makes this even more annoying Thomas is the fact its the Contemporary English Version. I share your annoyance brother.
You should check out this link http://www.markwaltz.typepad.com/marks_weblog/ for more thoughts on the same subject
My pastor has a better version... Click here
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